Whole Systems Business
Our “Whole Systems Business” programs, training, consulting and design services for leadership, businesses and organizations are based upon integrated, results-driven and wisdom-based systems and technologies. Our offerings focus on working with companies to increase their revenues, profits and growth from activities that are good for people and planet. Our offerings lead to widespread adoption and high impact results that fulfill the objectives of the organization, including the following:
Health Care Claims and Costs
Inferior Employee Health, Absenteeism and Poor Morale
Reliance on Inefficient and Wasteful Policies and Procedures
Bureaucracy, Rigidity and Redundancy
Internal Competitiveness and Lack of Cooperation
Toxicity, Waste and Pollution
Community and Social Callousness and Disconnection
Mistrust with Customers and Supply Chain
Negativity, Blame, Fault, Secrecy and Miscommunication
Tarnished Brand and Public Image
Revenues, Profits and Growth
Teamwork and Adoption of Beneficial Programs
Vitality, Health, Morale and Productivity of Employees
Culture of Teamwork, Inclusion, Acceptance and Abundance
Positive, Enthusiastic, Life Affirming Attitudes
Organizational Efficiency
Communication, Understanding, Clarity and Transparency
Innovation, Quality and Market Differentiators
Equitability, Honesty and Cooperation
Corporate Wisdom, Social Impact and Environmental Responsibility